Try Vietnamese farm to table cuisine in Dalat

Famous for its diversity and abundance of fresh and clean vegetables, tubers and fruits, Dalat City is where Mr Vu established his Dalahouse farm and restaurant. Dalahouse organic farm is nestled beneath the primeval forest in the south of Lam Vien Plateau with the goal of providing customers with nutritious organic vegetables and tubers. 

Embodying the gentle and relaxing Dalat style, the restaurant follows a “from farm to table” concept, allowing you to learn how to prepare local and healthy meals like seasonal fruit salad, organic spring rolls or the famous smoothie bowl made with fresh fruits from the Dalahouse garden.

Finally, you get to savor what you have prepared with the chef, who will share with you his deep knowledge of local cuisine. Visit the Dalahouse organic farm and learn how to prepare local and healthy meals in the restaurant. You can enjoy what you’ve prepared with the chef.